Space Battleship Tiramisu Season 1 + OVAs Blu-ray

38,95 €
Inkl. 19% MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten
Space Battleship Tiramisu Season 1 + OVAs Blu-ray, contains episodes 1-13 + 3 OVAs. Special Features: Opening Crawl: Full Text, Textless Songs, Trailers

Region Code: A, B
Language: Japanese, English
Subtitles: English

The Earth Union is locked in a massive galactic war. Ace pilot Subaru Ichinose—socially awkward and plagued by an intense, almost sexual love for food—carries the fate of humanity on his shoulders.
16x9   Dolby 5   DUB   Reg C A   Reg C B   SUB